Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Train Your Dragon

"I...don't wanna fight dragons."

Hiccup, the Viking who would be voted the least likely dragonslayer, discovers a dragon and he not only doesn't slay the dragon, he befriends and trains the dragon. Because this wonderful story of two friends relies on gesture and visual interaction instead of dialogue, we are able to focus on the animation that DreamWorks has so artfully created. The movie begins and ends with battle sequences, which could be frightening to the youngest viewer, but the traits that Hiccup possesses such as cleverness and braveness, make this a good choice to watch with young ones. A highly principled young man who not only tolerates, but accepts someone who everyone tells him is the enemy, Hiccup is a good role-model to see and immulate. A beautiful film that can be enjoyed by all ages, "How to Train Your Dragon" is a delightful story that soars, and I recommend it.

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