Sunday, February 11, 2007

But captain, obey for obey's sake... without questioning... That's something only people like you do.

Watching - The Killing a film by Stanley Kubrick before his big hits. It was actually a very good film noir. Crime doesn't pay in the end.

Pan's Labyrinth - this is going to the top of my most favorite films! I loved it. Beautifully filmed, heart-wrenching sadness, edge-of-the seat tension. LOVED IT!!

Dreamgirls - Well, in the end not a great film, but I was emotionally touched by the story and felt the emphasis on Jennifer Hudson was not as compelling to me. I came away with a new appreciation for Beyonce Knowles however.

For the Love of Benji - The original film to introduce Benji. Cute look back at my youth!

Reading - Drop Dead, Gorgeous! by MaryJanice Davidson.

Second in the "gorgeous" series. Not sure yet about this series.

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